Bins Range

Friendlypak’s range of bins and liners offer earth friendly solutions that can economically transform your waste collections. Suitable for homes, offices, cafes, hospitals and hotels. 

All our bins are able to be supplied with compostable Bio Bags designed to fit the bin snugly and securely, enabling the organic waste to be composted, worm farmed or collected by a service such as Greenwork to be taken to a composting facility. This simple change results in a huge reduction of waste going to landfill, and returning organic matter to the earth – as nature intended. 

From the Desk Cube to curb side bins and larger systems for companies, through to ventilated bins with compostable liners which are designed for collecting food scraps and organic waste, we have a solution to fit any need.

The use of a compostable liner for large wheelie bins through to the desk draw – Desk Cube results in you saving time and money cleaning out dirty bins, and at the same time doing the environment a big favour! The liner will compost along with the organic matter.

Returning organic matter to the earth – as nature intended. Use compostable wherever possible and contribute to a huge reduction of waste going to landfills.





Bin Mobile 37L on Wheels 'R2D2' (Takes 35L Star Base BioBag Liner - BG184011)                Product details flyer here:-

For the BG184011 Star Base Liner, see here:-

Ordering CodeBN946251
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$289.00

This Desk Cube, to be lined with a compostable liner BG190439 is small but proven to be all that is needed to revolutionise waste collections within the office and business environment. Traditionally and for convenience every person in the work force with a desk has had an under desk rubbish bin with plastic liner. This has created a 100% captive collection of all waste with each item contaminating the other so no separation takes place. Most nights cleaners would come through your typical company and take the plastic liner will all the waste and stuff it into a larger plastic bag, replacing with a fresh plastic liner. This system guarantees 100% of all waste and millions of near new plastic bags, would be sent to landfill every other day, sealed within multiple plastic bags to remain forever as a toxic legacy.

Nature generates waste too… but the waste from one ecosystem is the raw material for another… so in reality Nature has no waste.
Comparing these two systems gives room for improvement. Remove the under desk rubbish bin entirely and replace with the Desk Cube lined with a compostable liner. This is all that is needed as a holder for those messy items like coffee spills, apple core, gum, tissue etc. The Desk along with any other waste items like paper and drink bottle are simply carried to a central waste separation centre for sorting. Typically, these centres would have four waste streams. 1) Recycling of paper and cardboard. 2) Recycling of other. 3) Green waste and organics. 4) Landfill. All with only the footprint of one bin, if the Friendlypak 40 Litre Stackable bin systems is used. Also, ideally in conjunction with the Friendlypak Cube and MaxAir or TallAir bins for the initial part of organic collection.

The Desk Cube can be branded and is small enough to fit in a draw or on a desk. The benefits of this relatively small change are significant. Diversion from landfill of 60% to 90% begins with the Desk Cube and MaxAir and is almost immediate, generating cost savings that usually more than cover the expenses. Staff usually plan their walk to the separation centre to coincide with something else so little if any extra time is taken. The extra exercise improves their health, well-being and work efficiency. Also staff moral rises because they can see the difference the changes make and their interaction with others improves… simple. A win-win for all, including our environment.

Specifications: Material; Recycled unbleached pre and post-consumer paper - supplied in a flat pack to be made up to 100 mm x 100 mm x 80 mm high.

Ordering CodeBNDeskCube
Item dimensions11 x 11 x 8cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Unit/50 per Pack
Price per Unit$4.49
Price per Pack$204.00

MaxAir Bin, the worlds best kitchen food scrap collection system, removes the yuck factor. Use with 8L certified compostable liner product code BG187015. Some of the practices we grew up with, such as disposing of our kitchen refuse with the general weekly waste collection, is harmful to our environment. Society is however realising what happens in landfills and the true value of the organic materials we have traditionally wasted. For most people collecting food scraps or putrescibles at home or in the workplace is very unpleasant. However the MaxAir system has overcome the yuk factor and has proven in many countries to be the world’s leading user-friendly system for collecting food scraps and separating organic waste otherwise sent to land fill. This simple special bin is the key or link to many significant ‘downstream’ environmental benefits making collections even pleasant and planet friendly.

It consists of a small-ventilated bin with a unique BioBag liner made from starch based material designed to ‘breath’, allowing oxygen to reach the organic waste so the contents decomposition aerobically. This minimizes odour, moulds and flies while still an effective barrier against bacteria and viruses. Bin ventilation also allows moisture to evaporate through the bag wall dehydrating the contents by around 20% for the average family. With water content reduced the waste is better conditioned for handling and composting. The MaxAir bin is hygienic, easy to keep clean without the excessive use of detergents or water as with regular bins. The ‘reduced’ contents, bag and all can be placed in the compost or a green waste collection system. The bins have a flush wall-mounting slot or are typically used under or on the bench top. Everyone loves the MaxAir bin system; we constantly receive only positive feedback and confirmation that “it really does work so well”.


Organics are the best waste stream if turned into valuable compost, but if not, organics are one of the worst components of a landfill. Being mostly water the water releases filtering through the landfill trash collecting heavy metals, chemicals, poisons, carcinogens and other pollutants. Modern Landfills are lined with a membrane but it is only a matter of time before that will rupture or leak. A landfill containing organics is a long-term pollution time bomb, a liability for generations.  The accumulated cocktail of toxic leachate will leak into our water systems and soils. It is also only a matter of time before ‘Councils’ will be held accountable, prosecutions may follow when communities, farmers and aquaculture industries are polluted. Organics and therefore leachate can be removed form landfill if MaxAir is used.

Due to the dehydration effect of the MaxAir system, cleaner collections, trucks and cleaner commercial compost facilities are the result, reducing health, safety and hygiene issues for the carriers and compost plant operators. The lower water content also benefits worm farms or the commercial compost processor, as the water content in putrescibles is usually higher than they would like. Another significant benefit from the 20% to 40% reduction in weight from the dehydrating evaporation through the BioBag wall is the saving to council and the ratepayer. Collection services when they pick up, will pick up 20% to 40% less.


MaxAir removes organics from landfill using the BioBag bin liners. These are certified compostable in home and commercial composts, GE (GMO) free, they maybe used in organic farm production, for food contact and are safe for animal feed like worm or pig farms, even sea creatures can digest BioBag’s.
Landfills that contain organics are unstable; the covering ground cannot be built on so they are not useful when full. With diversion of compostables from landfill by up to 50%, the life of a landfill, or the need for a new one, can be extended by decades. This presents very significant cost saving opportunities for councils and ratepayers.

Specifications: Material: Recycled and virgin Polypropylene – Colour: Olive Green – Fits 8 Litre BioBag liner BG187015

Ordering CodeBN958100
Item dimensions26 x 21 x 22cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Bin/10 per Carton
Price per Bin$12.59
Price per Carton$89.90

Bin 8L Caddy Ventilated (fits 8 Ltr Liner) Choose a plastic or metal handle - (plastic handle pictured) See here to order 8L BioBag Bin liners BG187015.

Colours available: BROWN, LIME GREEN, GREEN (as pictured) (Green will be sent unless otherwise requested)


Ordering CodeBNA11831
Unit Quantity1 per Bin/5 per Carton
Price per Bin$13.99
Price per Carton$49.95

TallAir Bin, kitchen food scrap collection for the heavier user, removes the yuck factor. Use with 10L certified compostable liner product code BG187020. Some of the practices we grew up with, such as disposing of our kitchen food scraps with the general weekly waste collection, is harmful to our environment. Sending organic refuse to landfill is not just a waste of valuable organic materials but causes serious problems in landfill. Organics in landfill generate massive quantities of climate change gasses, cause the accumulation of toxic leachate that can leak into our water systems and soils and when the landfill is full results in unstable land. Landfills are becoming increasingly expensive to operate and finding the next one presents huge costs, all of which we as ratepayers must fund… will the next landfill be near you?

For most people collecting food scraps at home or in the workplace is very unpleasant. However the ventilated bin system has overcome the Yuk factor and has proven in many countries to be the world’s leading user-friendly system for collecting food scraps and separating organic waste otherwise sent to landfill. The simple yet special bins on this stand are the key or link to many significant ‘downstream’ environmental benefits making collections even pleasant.

The MaxAir and TallAir ventilated bins need the unique BioBag liners made from Mater-Bi, this special material is designed to ‘breath’, allowing oxygen to reach the organic waste so the contents decompose aerobically. This minimizes odor, moulds and flies while still an effective barrier against bacteria and viruses. Bin ventilation also allows moisture to evaporate through the bag wall dehydrating the contents by around 20% for the average family. With water content reduced or the ‘slop’ removed the waste is better conditioned for handling and composting. The ‘reduced’ contents, bag and all can be placed in the compost or a green waste collection system. The bins have a flush wall-mounting slot or are typically used under or on the bench top. Everyone loves the MaxAir bin system; we constantly receive only positive feedback and confirmation that “they really do work”.

The MaxAir and TallAir bins are hygienic and easy to keep clean eliminating the ‘Yuk factor’. If a collection bin system is used the BioBag liners also keep these bins clean encouraging long-term participation. This prevents the need for extra labour to clean and excessive use of detergents and water; also collection bins are typically washed outdoors polluting storm water and streams.

Tests by the Norwegian University of Agriculture found that with the MaxAir system there was no bad smell detected. Airborne moulds were lower and CFU (colony forming units) were significantly lower. With organics removed form the general waste a decrease in animal attacks on curbside rubbish bags is also a typical outcome because of the reduced smell.
Collection of organics is more problematic; there are issues of convenience, cost, the yuk factor, infrastructure, health, safety and hygiene, for consumer, carriers, compost plant operators and city authorities. The MaxAir system provides internationally proven solutions to all these issues. It is simple, convenient, hygienic, cost-effective and an environmentally sound way to collect and process organic and food waste. It out performs all other systems achieving very high levels of householder satisfaction wherever it is used, one of the key reasons some countries in Europe achieve almost 90% diversion of total waste from landfill.

Buy your Biobags BG187020


Ordering CodeBNA11469
Item dimensions24 x 28 x 32cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Bin/6 per Carton
Price per Bin$27.99
Price per Carton$89.00

Separate up to 4 waste streams with the footprint of only one bin, UV stabilized for outdoor use. Use with 45L Star Based BioBag liner BG45LT20, certified compostable, keeps bins clean. A tower of colour coded stackable bins with a foot print of only one bin makes it easy to separate waste at source, with each bin and colour identifying a separate waste stream. The result is an increased quantity and better quality of recovered resources rather than mixed contaminated waste sent to landfill. With this bin system space is no longer an excuse for not recycling, the stack is stable and occupies no more space than a single bin. Ideal for organisations, offices or larger uses filling is easy with a front opening flap and no need to move any bins. The bins are small enough to allow handling with ease even when full. A proper system to separate the waste streams is not only better for the environment but also makes financial sense, especially for the larger user, it can reduce the trash and weekly costs by up to 90%.

By using the BioBag liner especially for the organics or putrescibles the high value organic resource can be easily handled for composting or animal feed or worm farm. BioBag liners make collections convenient, even pleasurable and good for the planet. They also provide a labour savings by not having to clean the bin or use detergents or water as with regular bins. Bins are typically washed outdoors where the detergents pollute the storm water and streams. The 40 Litre Stackable bins work best in conjunction with the MaxAir or TallAir systems and the Desk Cube.


Specifications: Material: Recycled and virgin Polypropylene – Bin dimensions: 39 cm W x 41 cm H x 39 cm D

Stackable - Recycled grey body with 8 coloured lid options: Colours: Dark Green, Lime Green, Grey, Red, Blue, Orange, Brown and Yellow – Fits 45 Litre BioBag liner BG45LT20 - once online order created please email us with your colour lid selection and corresponding label required:


Labels available:-

- Compostable: Food & +60°

- Landfill: Waste to Landfill

- Paper: Paper & Cardboard

- Recycle: Glass, Metal & Plastic

- Paper

- Recycle: Glass

- Soft Plastic

- Recycle: Metal & Plastic

Ordering CodeBNP11654
Item dimensions42 x 41 x 45cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$54.00

Separate up to 4 waste streams with the footprint of only one bin, UV stabilized for outdoor use. Use with 45L Star Based BioBag liner BG45LT20, certified compostable, keeps bins clean. A tower of colour coded stackable bins with a foot print of only one bin makes it easy to separate waste at source, with each bin and colour identifying a separate waste stream. The result is an increased quantity and better quality of recovered resources rather than mixed contaminated waste sent to landfill. With this bin system space is no longer an excuse for not recycling, the stack is stable and occupies no more space than a single bin. Ideal for organisations, offices or larger uses filling is easy with a front opening flap and no need to move any bins. The bins are small enough to allow handling with ease even when full. A proper system to separate the waste streams is not only better for the environment but also makes financial sense, especially for the larger user, it can reduce the trash and weekly costs by up to 90%.

By using the BioBag liner especially for the organics or putrescibles the high value organic resource can be easily handled for composting or animal feed or worm farm. BioBag liners make collections convenient, even pleasurable and good for the planet. They also provide a labour savings by not having to clean the bin or use detergents or water as with regular bins. Bins are typically washed outdoors where the detergents pollute the storm water and streams. The 40 Litre Stackable bins work best in conjunction with the MaxAir or TallAir systems and the Desk Cube.

Specifications: Material: Recycled and virgin Polypropylene – Bin dimensions: 39cm w x 50.5 cm H x 39 cm D


Stackable - Recycled grey body with 8 coloured lid options: Colours: Dark Green, Lime Green, Grey, Red, Blue, Orange, Brown and Yellow – Fits 45 Litre BioBag liner BG45LT20 - once online order created please email us with your colour lid selection and corresponding label required:


Labels available:-

- Compostable: Food & +60°

- Landfill: Waste to Landfill

- Paper: Paper & Cardboard

- Recycle: Glass, Metal & Plastic

- Paper

- Recycle: Glass

- Soft Plastic

- Recycle: Metal & Plastic

Ordering CodeBNP11655
Item dimensions42 x 41 x 52cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$61.00

Bin 23L Curb-side 324x350x374mm - Pre-order only. MOQ applies. Email:

Ordering CodeBNA11627
Unit Quantity per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00
Indent only
No Image

Bin 45L Wheeled Stackable with handle (fits 80L Liner) - Grey body with multiple lid colour and label options - 400x488x483mm - Pre-order required. MOQ applies. Email:

Labels available:-

- Compostable: Food & +60°

- Landfill: Waste to Landfill

- Paper: Paper & Cardboard

- Recycle: Glass, Metal & Plastic

- Paper

- Recycle: Glass

- Soft Plastic

- Recycle: Metal & Plastic

Ordering CodeBNA12632
Unit Quantity per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00
Indent only

Bin MGB  80L 2 wheeled (fits 140L Liner) - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY.  Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

Ordering CodeBN80MGB
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00

Bin MGB  120L 2 wheeled (fits 140L Liner) - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY. Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

Ordering CodeBN120MGB
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00

Bin MGB  140L 2 wheeled (fits 160L Liner) - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY. Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

Ordering CodeBN140MGB
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00

Bin MGB  240L 2 wheeled (fits 240L Liner) - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY. Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

Ordering CodeBN240MGB
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00

Bin MGB  360L 2 wheeled (fits 360L Liner) - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY. Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

Ordering CodeBN360MGB
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00

Bin MGB  660L 4 wheeled - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY. Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

1216 L x 747 D x 1227 H (to the top of the lid, including wheels)

Ordering CodeBN660MGB
Item dimensions1216 x 747 x 1227cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00

Bin MGB  1100L 4 wheeled - Multiple colour options - BY EMAIL ORDER ONLY. Available in Dark Green, Nature Green, Lime Green, Grey, Black, White, Burgundy, Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue.

1196 L x 1046 D x 1310 H (to the top of the lid, including wheels)

Ordering CodeBN1100MGB
Item dimensions1196 x 1046 x 1310cm high
Unit Quantity1 per Bin
Price per Bin$0.00