advice & information

Many Biodegradable and Compostable Materials and Products include new technologies and different performance features; some outperform their traditional alternatives while others have limitations and/or need further improvement. To accommodate differences, advice and/or information is often required. Friendlypak can offer this advice and service.

Waste to Resource

We are working towards converting waste into resources:

Rubbish dumps will be called Resource Recovery Parks in the new Resource Recovery Park Guide. This guide is to facilitate the redesign of rubbish dumps as we have known them. As in Nature there is no waste, waste is simply a resource for the next cycle.

The new Waste Minimisation Act legislation, launched 1 June 2009, was an attempt to address our ever-increasing waste issues. It includes a levy on all waste disposed of in landfills. The levy had been set at $10 per ton, however this was meant to be increased over time (but hasn't been increased at all since) to encourage alternatives like the 5 R’s; Reduce, Reuse, Recover, Recycle and Return (Return to the earth by Composting). This levy was meant to generate funding to help local government, communities and businesses reduce the amount of waste and may require, producers, brand owners, importers, retailers, consumers and other parties to take responsibility for the environmental effects of their products and waste through product stewardship schemes. It allows for regulations to be made that make it mandatory for certain groups (for example, landfill operators) to report on waste.

A unique logo like this example will be introduced to help with clear identification, direction and to reduce confusion for all, facilitating the separation of compostable materials into an ‘Organics’ waste stream that can reduce landfill by approximately 50%.

The key component in the successful diversion of waste from landfill is the clean, convenient and uncontaminated collection of food scraps. Information for Councils, Organizations and Waste Management companies on how this can be achieved is available.

Waste Collection

The following companies already provide a collection service for green waste and food scraps and captive pre approved compostable Biopolymer/Bioplastic/Starch based products. They collect and deliver to Envirofert in Auckland or to their local composting facility in other centres for processing:


GreenWork - Especially for Cafes & Small Businesses in Central Auckland
CarboNZero Certified
0800 668 312
Attn: Steve Rickerby  -

Reclaim Ltd - Especially for Hotels, Restaurants, Cafe's and Businesses
Attn: Peter Thorne
(09) 571 0242

Pink Bins - Especially for Events, Festivals and infrequent collections
Attn: Andy & Sue Stuart
0800 746 524

Robert Lind - Especially for Fast Food outlets and Food manufacturers
(09) 236 8483
021 958 815  -



Organic Waste Management Ltd
P O Box 14 085
Phone 021 379 672
E Mail:
Darrell Doig
Operations Manager

Kai to Compost

Plus Christchurch and Timaru have kerbside collection of domestic compostables and appropriate composting facilities.


Waste Processing

We are in a new era of compostable Biopolymer/Bioplastic and starch packaging products. New methods of handling and processing these inventions are required; much has not been done this way before. ‘Our’ industry is in the process of introducing a Logo and labelling to identify these new materials and products, along with education, new infrastructure and systems to collect and process them.

Apartment dwellers and people who do not have a compost need a collection service for organic waste. Such collection services will deliver to a Commercial compost facility. These Commercial facilities are also required for some biopolymers (like PLA) as they need a Commercial compost because a Home compost is typically too cold. It can take more than one year to compost PLA in a Home compost, conditions need to be damp and at least 60C for PLA to composts quickly (as fast as 45 days).


Envirofert were the first to embrace the composting of Biopolymer/Bioplastic materials and they are the leading commercial compost facility in Auckland/Waikato.

Envirofert have been processing Friendlypak products into compost since 2007.

Envirofert Limited
Greenwaste Site
74 Geraghtys Road
Phone 09 910 0050
Fax 09 910 0051 or 09 236 8484
Mobile 0274 961 870 (Gary McGuire, Manager)
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday: 7am - 6pm,
Saturday: 8am - 5pm


Capital Compost
0800 266 7678
Mobile 027 554 8486


Total Waste Solutions

81 Lower Styx Rd,
Bottle Lake,
Christchurch 8083
03 3856972

Waste Management
47-49 Hayton Road
03 348 0619


Tauranga/Mt Maunganui

Why Waste

022 066 4869


Hawkes Bay - Napier/Hastings


Biorich Ltd

0800 BIORICH (246742)


Other Waste

Computer Recycling Ltd

30c Alfred St



(09) 525 5518

For free Disposal of Electronic Equipment;
Computers, phones, printers, cables, routers, UPS, monitors, hardware and peripherals etc.
They claim zero Landfill; all equipment is either reused, sold or recycled.

SIMS Recycling Solutions
5/113 Pavilion Drive
Airport Oaks
(09) 275 1501


ASTRON Plastics Recyclers


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